Today's Promise

I will counsel you with My eye upon you - Ps 32:8

What we did for God – September October 2012

Dearly beloved in Christ,

Praise the Lord, Last 2 months God used us for his purpose wonderfully.
We thank God and I would like to share with you some important things.

During the month of September we had a teaching professionals get together at our new office. Nearly 15 professors & Teachers are participated. Prof.T.V. Christy from Karunya University Coimbatore,  shared the word of God and Prof.Jemima shared her testimony which was very impressive and useful. God use us with teachers and professors community to help the school and College students. Thank God. We plan to organize this teaching professionals get together at our Coimbatore office every two months once.

19th September 2012 – We had Mega one day retreat for youth at CSI Immanuel Church, Avanishi Road. Coimbatore with the theme of ” With God You Can”. Nearly 300 students are participated

14th October 2012 – At Tirupur we shared God’s word with around 80 students.
Their itself we are having a core team to perform Music and Choreography skits.

23rd & 24th October 2012 – Discipleship camp at YFT Office.
The core value of discipleship – Disipline of Prayer and Bible Studies.
Nearly 15 members are trainned with bible medidation and went with committment.
Pray for their commitments.

Every month we are conducting church youth fellowship at cheran managar,
Sirumugai, Gobi Chettipalayam CSI Church, Erode & Kankeyam CSI Churches.
Lot of church youths are participated and received the blessing of God.

We have a plan to conduct music and spoken english classes at YFT office Coimbatore.

We welcome you to join with our team as a sponsor and pray for God’s Youth Ministry.

Share your prayers, ideas and testimony with me at

Thank you,
God Bless You !
Bye from – Selvin 

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