Today's Promise

I will deliver you - Ps 50:15

Promise Message for this year 2012

Nothing is impossible when you put your trust in God.

Nothing is impossible when you’re trusting in His Word.

Hear to the voice of God to thee; ‘Is there anything too hard for Me?’

Then put your trust in God alone and rest upon His Word:

For ev’rything, O, ev’rything, yes ev’rything is possible with God.”

Eugene Clark wrote the lyrics of a wonderful gospel song after reading Jesus’ words recorded in Matthew 19:26: “WITH MAN THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE, BUT WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!”

It was Job who cried out: “I know that God can do all things…!” (Job 42:2).

And Jesus who said: “You have so little faith…if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD!” (Matthew 17:20,21)

Is there something you are facing that makes you wonder if God is able to handle it? Do you believe God can do anything?  Do you believe that God can move those mountains that are such obstacles in your lives.  Scripture tells us there is nothing too hard for God. Our God specializes in making the impossible become possible…working miracles in our lives!

Sarah laughed at the idea of having a son when she was ninety years old. God, however, promised it. The words of God to Abraham are both against doubt and a call to faith. “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Gen. 18:14).

Mary, the Lord’s mother, was encouraged to accept her sublime responsibilities as the mother of God’s Son by the angel’s words: “With God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1: 37).

Looking at difficulties from God’s point of view the humanly impossible becomes not only possible but is actually accomplished as part of God’s purpose. When we read “all things are possible with God” our minds usually  wander  to miracles and glorious happenings. Yet Jesus does not use it in that way alone, but primarily, points to the salvation of a person who trusts in their own abilities, wealth and possessions rather than in God. The Lord is not saying that he will save such a one but that he will do whatever is necessary to bring them to a place where they are able to see God for who He is.

Regardless of how you read this passage, it is obvious that Jesus is teaching us that things that seem impossible to us are possible with God.

God is able to save you completely and forever. No matter how messed up you are, or how far you’ve fallen into sin, God is able to save you completely (and forever) if you will surrender to Him with all your heart. It’s then that salvation, deliverance and complete wholeness comes into your life. On the authority of God’s Word, God is still in the act of saving, delivering, healing, providing and blessing. It is a hopeful message for those of us who pray for our family members and friends to come to the Lord and experience the abundant life.

So, call out to him today. If you will cling to and hold onto Him, He will sustain you and keep you from stumbling. There is nothing that God cannot do. There are limitless possibilities for those willing to put their faith and trust in God. He is faithful to restore everything that you lost and offer all that you longed for. He wants to give you a new heart and a new beginning. Claim His promise and reach out to others with the wonderful message of God’s love in Christ and proclaim that God turns impossibilities into wonderful possibilities. As we enter this New year 2012, let us march forward with faith on the Living God that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Phil. 4:13) clinging on to his promise “WITH GOD all things are possible !”


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