Today's Promise

I will counsel you with My eye upon you - Ps 32:8

Music Classes at Coimbatore

We successfully completed music classes at YFT Office Coimbatore on Apr 22 To May 5th 2013. Keyboard Classes and Guitar classes were taken for 20 students.

The Music Teachers are
Lessly Paul & Martin
Stanes, conoor.

1. Abishek .U – Guitar
2. Alan .A – Keyboard – Keyboard
3. Bernard Calvin .I – Keyboard
4. Vishmaya .U – Keyboard
5. Catherine .P – Keyboard
6. Bersia .G – Keyboard
7. James .P – Keyboard
8. Sam Dilton .W – Keyboard
9. Ruben .C – Keyboard
10. Vivin – Keyboard
11. Aashidha – Keyboard
12. Regan – Keyboard
13. Prince – Keyboard
14. John Arnold .H – Guitar
15. Meshakh .H – Guitar
16. Hari .M – Guitar
17. Ashwin .S – Guitar
18. Asher .V – Guitar
19. Alwyn .A – Keyboard
20. Catherine Sheryl .P – Keyboard
21. John Bercia .G – Keyboard

YFT Congratulate all the students for participating our music classes and
wishes to grow further and use their talent in God’s ministry.

God Bless You.

Selvin & Rona

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