Today's Promise

They shall invoke My name, I then will bless them - Num 6:27

Lifted up from the Earth

Jesus said that He was “lifted up from the earth,” and that in Hebrew terminology meant that He was accursed. For anyone, hanging to die on a tree or on any piece of wood was a shameful and utterly humiliating thing. Such hanging between heaven and earth was considered in those days as dying an accursed death. Galatians 3:13 says,  ‘‘Cursed is anyone that hangeth on a tree’’. When Jesus spoke of being ‘lifted up from the earth’, he was indicating the kind of death he would die (John 12:33). He was dying for sinners. ‘‘For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’’. (Romans 3:23) Jesus was offering the ultimate service and showing the full extent of his love (John 13:1& Rom 5:7-8).  The love being demonstrated by the Saviour was truly beautiful.

The cross is a magnet, drawing people of every culture, unto his redeeming love.

One of the criminals, witnessed the sufferings of Jesus and acknowledged Jesus as saviour and asked Jesus, ‘Remember me’. It was an 11th hour conversion. He begged the Lord to just remember him, when He enters heaven. But Jesus promised him that he will be in paradise with Christ. ‘’Verily I say unto thee, today thou shalt be with me in paradise’’ (luke23:42&43). Even on a cross a man may call on Christ and be saved.

The Roman centurion would have witnessed many executions, but to him the death of Jesus was different. He  saw the sun became blotted and it was dark and cold. He heard the heart –rending cry and utterances of Jesus. He was spell-bound as Jesus handed His spirit back to the Father. All his doubts flew away and he confessed, ’’Truly this man was the son of God’’. (Mark 15:39)

Jesus was lifted up in Crucifixion, lifted up in Resurrection, & lifted up in Ascension to render us pardon, peace, hope, new life and eternity with Christ. He is now glorified. Jesus promises His followers that He will return to gather them in rapture and take them into glory with Him (Rom 8:16-17, John 14:1-3, 1Th 4:16-17). If we remain faithful to Christ, we will be “glorified with him” (Rom 8:16).

If you know of someone who still needs to be drawn to Jesus Christ, use the means He has given – the message of the lifted-up Saviour.  Let the message of the Crucified, draw them to His loving fold. It is the best evangelistic power in the world that you may use. It is the most potent of Gospel-preaching possible. As Paul once said it  “I preach Jesus Christ, and Him crucified! ’’( 1 cor-2:2) .

Whether a thief or a centurion, all has the need to acknowledge the love of Jesus and draw near to the cross to be saved.  It is late, but not too late.

He draws us to the CROSS
Where we behold his PASSION

He draws us to the TOMB
Where we behold his POWER

He draws us to the CLOUD
Where we behold his PROMISE


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