Today's Promise

I will counsel you with My eye upon you - Ps 32:8

Be Rooted in God’s Word

Be Rooted in God’s Word

No one can be established through wickedness, but a righteous root cannot be moved” (Proverbs 12:3).

Have you ever feel tossed around by the storms of life?
Have you ever seen a tree in a heavy wind blow?

The winds and the rain blow the leaves from the branches, and sometimes the branches are fallen, or even the tree is up rooted. But the tree’s roots are protected and established deep in the ground will never be shaken.

The same is true in our lives.

If our thinking is not in line with the Word of God, we are affected during the difficult times. But when our thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts according to His Words, He plants a righteous root within us. We become firmly established. Our thinking becomes clear so we can be strong and overcome the storms in our life.

God wants you to be firm

  • He wants you to be steady.
  • He wants you to have an established life and character.
  • He wants your roots to grow deep in His Word.
  • He wants you to be righteous in Him.

 Ask the Lord today to show any areas of your thought life that might need to be firmly planted in God’s Word. As you grow deep relationship with the Lord you will grow deep spiritual roots and stand victoriously against the storms of life.

Be Rooted in God’s Word and be not uprooted. – Selvin

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