Today's Promise

I will counsel you with My eye upon you - Ps 32:8

Expect Best from God


Because of your faith, it will happen. ( Matthew 9 : 29 )

Most believers just do not expect enough or great things from God. God can do all things at any time but many of us put Him in a box and try to close Him in. Do not do that to God, because He is too big and too great than we think and imagine. (Ephesians 3 : 20, 21 )

Like Israelites do not ever think that your past was better than now. Do not murmur and confess the negatives in life. God wants to bring you out to make you better than before. (John 10 : 10 )

He wants you to move forward and grow in His blessings. God’s desire is to increase you and make you stronger, happier and healthier because He loves you with an unconditional and unending love.

In Him, You have everything that you need to live.

Love God and Live abundantly !


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