Hi my dear Student friends,
Well, this part of the year, your minds would be occupied with thoughts on Examination, Preparation, Tests, Questions, and Formula etc. Many students even think why this month is coming and are nervous on even thinking about the approaching exams. They consider the Examination is a big demon threatening them, along with his assistants in the form of Examiners, Teachers and even Parents.
But, we have good news………. These fears cloud your mind only when you think that you are alone fighting this. It’s actually not!
Our Lord Jesus Christ says “Do not fear. For I am WITH YOU “. He has promised that He will be with you and help you, to be successful. Bible is full of promises, which assure that those who trust in God, will be successful. So, be of good cheer. You are destined to be successful.
May be you are in a situation that makes you totally insecure as either you have not invested your time in Study and wasted the precious time indulging yourself in unwanted activities. May be you feel nervous on seeing the expectations of your parents, teachers or may be you feel you lack knowledge and are completely unprepared to face the exams.
Again, there is good news for you too. Jesus said He will give mercy to those who confess their sins (mistakes) and turn to good path. He is the one who can restore things back to normal. He will be with you and guide you to be successful. He has promised that He will give knowledge and wisdom to the one who asks Him.
Now, you have to commit your ways to the Lord and start focusing on your studies in the available time now. You have to realize that these Exams are going to be crucial for your future and you have to put your best, from now on. Put off all distractions and focus only on your studies. Remember, other things in life could wait but exams will not. So, all the very best!
Praying For You.
Selvin annan
Young Fishers Team