Today's Promise

I will counsel you with My eye upon you - Ps 32:8

Encounter 2012

We welcome you to

Encounter 2012 – Theme: “With God U Can”
Date: 13,14,15 July 2012
Place: Royal College, Coimbatore, INDIA


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for God’s presence.
  • Pray for Speakers Bro.Issac Sikha , Bro. Selvin Rajkumar and Mrs. Rona Selvin and that God should use them mighty.
  • Pray for participation of 400 youth and commitment of the youth.
  • Pray for songs, Skits, Choreography, Music, Games, Talent Hour, Camp-Fire and Video Show.
  • Pray for Messages, Counselling Hour,Practical Talk, Sandhiya Time Devotion Time, Discussion Time and Personal Prayer Time.
  • Pray for Mobilization and Co-ordination.
  • Pray for Electricity, Food arrangements, Campsite arrangements and Water Facilities.
  • Pray for Financial Needs of Rs.2,50,000/-
  • Pray for the involvement of YFT & YFF Members.
  • Pray for the oneness among the team members and pray for the availability of Team members.
  • Pray that God should give good Health and Strength to Co-ordinators, Leaders and Volunteers.
  • Pray that parents should encourage their youth children to participate in this Camp.
  • Pray that Elders from all Churches and Leaders at Colleges to work sincerely and extend their co-operation of Church Pastors.
  • Pray for the Travel Arrangements.
  • Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be on Selvin Anna and Rona Akka to Organize everything necessary


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