Today's Promise

They shall invoke My name, I then will bless them - Num 6:27

Christmas Message 3

Series 2

In continuation to our Series 1, which you can find in our Archives, we continue our meditation on the Christmas message :

As we celebrate Christmas and meditate on the greatness of God,  we are also reminded of an important event which happened during the birth of Jesus Christ.    When Christ was born in a lowly manger, we find that 3 wise men, took a long journey from the other end of the earth, to visit and worship Jesus.

God has kept a few important lessons for our life, through their visit to Bethlehem.   We saw in the earlier series of  the lesson of Seeking God and now let us turn to the next lesson :

1)     Worshiping God

The 3 wise men who traveled from far, not only sought Jesus but came and worshipped Jesus Christ.    We find that the objective of their visit was to see the God child and worship Him.

From the Bible, we understand that they are learned men and should have commanded a great stature in the society.   But we find that they had the understanding and maturity, to know who they were, before the Almighty God and their Creator.   They fell down, in abject surrender and respect, before the Child and worshipped Him.    They knew the greatness of God and the importance of worshipping Him.

The Bible says that God has created mankind for Him and we have to declare His praises.   Worship is an act of showing our love for God.  It is an act of adoring God for who He is.   Just as we share words of love and affection, between our loved-ones, which expresses our love for them, we should express our love for our God by our praises and worship.    We have to make it a habit, of praising and worshipping Him daily in our Morning Prayer time and continue to praise Him, during the day, whenever we can.

We also find another lesson from the 3 wise men.   It is written that they offered precious and valuable gifts to the Child.   They gave to God, what was considered best and valuable with them.    As children of God, we too should give to God, the best in us and with us.     We should give the best of our time, praise, talents, wealth and actions for His service.    Again, we find that, we always try to get the best for our spouse or kids, because we love them so much and it is another expression of our love.   We never try to give sub-standard things but the best to them.  Similarly, with God too, we should give the best of us, to His service.

Worshipping God and giving to God are two essential things in our life and this is a key to our wellbeing.

Let us practice it and receive God’s blessings.

May God bless you and Happy Christmas !

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