Monthly Updates

January 2013 YFT Updates

Dearly beloved Partners and Friends,


Loving Greetings in the most Precious Name of the Lord Jesus Christ !


By His amazing grace we have entered into the Feb 2013. We would like to

share few things about the good work that the Lord is doing in our ministry


1. Discipleship Camp – 2013 Jan 12,13,14 at Royal College of Nursing Coimbatore .


Participants: 18 College Students

Commitment : Deep Commitment to be fruitful Disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Highlights: During Santhiya Time  – Amazing to see the commitment in tears.



2. Young Family Fellowship Retreat on 26th January 2013 YFT Office Coimbatore


Participants: 11 Families


Events: Two  Messages

1. Little Foxes which disturb the togetherness in family.

2. Up Bringing children based on teachings of Christ.


Highlights: Everyone were blessed and we were encouraged to hear good Testimonies.


Visit  for New Year Promise video and photo album.

Please mail your feedback  and prayer request to us. We will pray for you.


Pray for our ministry,


God Bless You,


In HIS service


Selvin Rajkumar & Rona Selvin


Young Fishers Team

Selvin + 91 98433 30259

Rona Selvin +91 94436 82462