
Examination Tips To Top- 1

To do well in your exams, here are a few tips:

 Preparatory Tips :

a)    Prepare a schedule for each day of the week.   

b)   Have a time-table of subjects to be studied and adhere to it.

c)    Ensure that you have a same time of study, consistently.

d)   Have a time to relax and unwind,  but don’t stretch it for long

e)   Allocate more time to subjects which you feel difficult

f)    Seek advice and support, wherever needed.  But, ensure that study time with friends or groups do not result in loss of time.

g)   Everything else in life, like fun, games, friends, visits, internet etc. can wait till your exams.

h)   Above all, do pray for God’s guidance and wisdom, before you start any activity.

Studying and Concentrating Tips  Tomorrow


Examination Tips To Top

Hi my dear Student friends,

Well, this part of the year, your minds would be occupied with thoughts on Examination, Preparation, Tests, Questions, and Formula etc.   Many students even think why this month is coming and are nervous on even thinking about the approaching exams.   They consider the Examination is a big demon threatening them, along with his assistants in the form of Examiners, Teachers and even Parents.

But, we have good news……….   These fears cloud your mind only when you think that you are alone fighting this.  It’s actually not!

Our Lord Jesus Christ says “Do not fear.  For I am WITH YOU “.   He has promised that He will be with you and help you, to be successful.  Bible is full of promises, which assure that those who trust in God, will be successful.   So, be of good cheer.  You are destined to be successful.

May be you are in a situation that makes you totally insecure as either you have not invested your time in Study and wasted the precious time indulging yourself in  unwanted activities.   May be you feel nervous on seeing the expectations of your parents, teachers or may be you feel you lack knowledge and are completely unprepared to face the exams.

Again, there is good news for you too.   Jesus said He will give mercy to those who confess their sins (mistakes) and turn to good path.  He is the one who can restore things back to normal.    He will be with you and guide you to be successful.  He has promised that He will give knowledge and wisdom to the one who asks Him.

Now, you have to commit your ways to the Lord and start focusing on your studies in the available time now.   You have to realize that these Exams are going to be crucial for your future and you have to put your best, from now on.   Put off all distractions and focus only on your studies.    Remember, other things in life could wait but exams will not.   So, all the very best!

Praying For You.


Selvin annan

Young Fishers Team

New year Message

“Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope.
      Even today I declare That I will restore double to you. “   Zechariah 9: 12

A small boy was very happy thinking about his approaching birthday.   He was filled with thoughts of what dress he would wear that day, whom all he will meet, where all he will go, what gifts are awaiting him etc.

That day came.  After finishing his morning prayer, he came out of his room and was delighted to see his father wishing him with a gift.   He also placed a condition to open the gift after completing the family prayer session and having breakfast.  

For the next one hour, the boy was filled with curiosity as to what gift is inside.  But he waited and when he opened the gift wrapper, he was overwhelmed with joy.   In the previous year, he was filled with sadness, when he lost a toy which was very close to his heart and one which he loved dearly.   Now, his father had gifted him with a same new toy.   On seeing it, the boy was thrilled and was very happy.

Our minds are also in a similar state, as we have just entered the new year of 2011, completing 2010.  We are also filled with questions of how will this year 2011 be? What all are going to happen in 2011?  In 2010, I have faced lots of troubles and losses will this change in the New Year?   There could be a lot of challenges and questions in your minds regarding the New Year.

But, be of good cheer!  God has promised the year of 2011 as a “Year of Restoration and Double Blessing “.

The promise from God for this year 2011 is ““Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope.  Even today I declare That I will restore double to you. “   Zechariah 9 : 12

We find from the Bible, that Israelites, who were called the people of God and was counted as a blessed tribe of God, lost their blessings and was held in captivity, whenever they despised God and His leading, strayed from God and indulged themselves in things which were not pleasing God and when they decided to lean on their own thoughts and not on God.

In our life too, we can see that the above factors lead us to situations where we lose God’s blessings.

In Mat 11: 28,  God says “  Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest “

When we return to the place of Stronghold or Safety ( to our God ), which is assured of peace and rest, we will be able to get back our blessings in double measure.

As per Ruth 2:12, Psalms 91 and Malachi 4:2, our Place of Safety is a place where there is no fear and is well-protected, filled with health, peace, joy and presence of God in abundance.

When we turn to this place of safety, we are assured of the restoration of our blessings in double measure.

Let us turn to our Lord and be blessed in 2011 !  May God bless you!

 Return to the Lord to Receive double Portion

Christmas Message 3

Series 2

In continuation to our Series 1, which you can find in our Archives, we continue our meditation on the Christmas message :

As we celebrate Christmas and meditate on the greatness of God,  we are also reminded of an important event which happened during the birth of Jesus Christ.    When Christ was born in a lowly manger, we find that 3 wise men, took a long journey from the other end of the earth, to visit and worship Jesus.

God has kept a few important lessons for our life, through their visit to Bethlehem.   We saw in the earlier series of  the lesson of Seeking God and now let us turn to the next lesson :

1)     Worshiping God

The 3 wise men who traveled from far, not only sought Jesus but came and worshipped Jesus Christ.    We find that the objective of their visit was to see the God child and worship Him.

From the Bible, we understand that they are learned men and should have commanded a great stature in the society.   But we find that they had the understanding and maturity, to know who they were, before the Almighty God and their Creator.   They fell down, in abject surrender and respect, before the Child and worshipped Him.    They knew the greatness of God and the importance of worshipping Him.

The Bible says that God has created mankind for Him and we have to declare His praises.   Worship is an act of showing our love for God.  It is an act of adoring God for who He is.   Just as we share words of love and affection, between our loved-ones, which expresses our love for them, we should express our love for our God by our praises and worship.    We have to make it a habit, of praising and worshipping Him daily in our Morning Prayer time and continue to praise Him, during the day, whenever we can.

We also find another lesson from the 3 wise men.   It is written that they offered precious and valuable gifts to the Child.   They gave to God, what was considered best and valuable with them.    As children of God, we too should give to God, the best in us and with us.     We should give the best of our time, praise, talents, wealth and actions for His service.    Again, we find that, we always try to get the best for our spouse or kids, because we love them so much and it is another expression of our love.   We never try to give sub-standard things but the best to them.  Similarly, with God too, we should give the best of us, to His service.

Worshipping God and giving to God are two essential things in our life and this is a key to our wellbeing.

Let us practice it and receive God’s blessings.

May God bless you and Happy Christmas !

Christmas Message 2

Journey to the Manger

As we celebrate Christmas and meditate on the greatness of God,

we are also reminded of an important event which happened during the birth of Jesus Christ. When Christ was born in a lowly manger, we find that 3 wise men, took a long journey from the other end of the earth, to visit and worship Jesus.

God has kept a few important lessons for our life, through their Journey to the Manger.   Let us see 3 lessons in this series of messages in the coming days.

1)   Seeking God

We read from the Scriptures, that the wise men, traveled a long distance, guided by the star on the sky, to visit Jesus Christ. It is important to understand that they had a burning desire to seek God and see Him.

There were so many people who were living in the world and seeking God to help them in their  problem at  that time but the Bible records that only 3 men, who were wise, came seeking for God. This underlines the fact that though the population of the world is swelling, only those who seek God or have the inclination to search for Him, will be able to see Him.   Yes, it is true, that Jesus came to this world, seeking the lost souls and has laid His life on the Cross, but He is gentle in allowing the mankind to choose their ways, based on their self-will but He ensures that everyone is given chances to have Encounters in their life, to know their Creator and walk to Him, but never forces anyone.

The 3 Wise-men sought God diligently but in their search they went to the wrong place.  According to their assumptions, they went to King Herod’s palace, expecting the Child at the palace.  Because of their wrong choice, so many young children below 2 years were killed.  It was a black day in history.  Similarly, if we search God in the wrong places,  it will only hurt us and our surroundings.

The Bible says “Those who seek will find”.  God presents Himself to those souls who diligently seek Him. Bible also says that “Those who seek me early in the morning, finds me “.   It is important that everyday, we turn to Him, before our day actually starts.   We should make it a habit, to seek His face first early in the morning and have a regular time of prayer and worship, followed by Bible reading.  This experience will energize our inner man and provide us the nourishments required for our life, enabling us to face any challenges that might come our way, in the course of the day.

Let us be seekers of God and His counsel and this is the sure and simple way to success!

God bless you and Happy Christmas!

Christmas Message 1

Christ is the Reason for this season  !

We are in the month of December !   Everywhere you can see activities of Celebration and Joy, marking the Advent of Christmas !    Christmas is celebrated as a Universal celebration, rejoicing on the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.   Amidst the celebrations, it is important that we meditate on the basis of this celebration.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born in this world as a Man for all of us.   Yes, the Creator who created the entire universe, took the humble form of a man and came to live in this world as a man, to pay the price for the sins of mankind on the Cross of Calvary and thereby assuring us of Deliverance from Sins and paying way to Eternal Life.

The Birth of Christ, which is celebrated as Christmas, has in fact got 3 dimensions, among all the various impacts on mankind.

1)      History Creation :

Christ’s birth is the most significant event in the history of mankind.   Yes, we can see that the History was divided into BC and AD, only on His birth.   The greatness of God which is indescribable, taking the form of a lowly mankind, was just amazing and it marked a new beginning, not only in history, but in the true sense to mankind.

2)      Transformation of Man :

Man, who was entangled in sins and entitled for punishments, received a new hope by the birth of Christ.    Christ by His birth, paid the huge price for our sins on the Cross and thereby assured mankind of the hope of forgiveness, to those who accepted Him and repented for their sins.     Man was transformed from a sinful and guilt-filled entity moving towards death to a new forgiven and hopeful entity, walking towards Eternal life.

3)      Good News :

The Good news of Peace to all men and Joy in the world, irrespective of their nationality, background, caste, creed, gender or any other differences was proclaimed by the birth of Christ.     An assured Peace, promised by the Prince of Peace Himself, and not just ordinary peace but His own peace and Peace that the world cannot give and cannot take.

Oh !  What a true joy to celebrate Christmas remembering what Jesus has done for us !   Also,  we need to spread this joy across the mankind, who are still ignorant of these facts and live in a vicious circle of life.    A true deliverance and joy, promised by God, should mark our Christmas celebrations.

May God bless you and a Happy Christmas !

Lifted up from the Earth

Jesus said that He was “lifted up from the earth,” and that in Hebrew terminology meant that He was accursed. For anyone, hanging to die on a tree or on any piece of wood was a shameful and utterly humiliating thing. Such hanging between heaven and earth was considered in those days as dying an accursed death. Galatians 3:13 says,  ‘‘Cursed is anyone that hangeth on a tree’’. When Jesus spoke of being ‘lifted up from the earth’, he was indicating the kind of death he would die (John 12:33). He was dying for sinners. ‘‘For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God’’. (Romans 3:23) Jesus was offering the ultimate service and showing the full extent of his love (John 13:1& Rom 5:7-8).  The love being demonstrated by the Saviour was truly beautiful.

The cross is a magnet, drawing people of every culture, unto his redeeming love.

One of the criminals, witnessed the sufferings of Jesus and acknowledged Jesus as saviour and asked Jesus, ‘Remember me’. It was an 11th hour conversion. He begged the Lord to just remember him, when He enters heaven. But Jesus promised him that he will be in paradise with Christ. ‘’Verily I say unto thee, today thou shalt be with me in paradise’’ (luke23:42&43). Even on a cross a man may call on Christ and be saved.

The Roman centurion would have witnessed many executions, but to him the death of Jesus was different. He  saw the sun became blotted and it was dark and cold. He heard the heart –rending cry and utterances of Jesus. He was spell-bound as Jesus handed His spirit back to the Father. All his doubts flew away and he confessed, ’’Truly this man was the son of God’’. (Mark 15:39)

Jesus was lifted up in Crucifixion, lifted up in Resurrection, & lifted up in Ascension to render us pardon, peace, hope, new life and eternity with Christ. He is now glorified. Jesus promises His followers that He will return to gather them in rapture and take them into glory with Him (Rom 8:16-17, John 14:1-3, 1Th 4:16-17). If we remain faithful to Christ, we will be “glorified with him” (Rom 8:16).

If you know of someone who still needs to be drawn to Jesus Christ, use the means He has given – the message of the lifted-up Saviour.  Let the message of the Crucified, draw them to His loving fold. It is the best evangelistic power in the world that you may use. It is the most potent of Gospel-preaching possible. As Paul once said it  “I preach Jesus Christ, and Him crucified! ’’( 1 cor-2:2) .

Whether a thief or a centurion, all has the need to acknowledge the love of Jesus and draw near to the cross to be saved.  It is late, but not too late.

He draws us to the CROSS
Where we behold his PASSION

He draws us to the TOMB
Where we behold his POWER

He draws us to the CLOUD
Where we behold his PROMISE


Living in Harmony

” So reach out and welcome one another to God’s glory. Jesus did it ; now you do it !  ” ( Romans 15:7 )

In these days, world is filled with frustration.  Love, Joy, Relationship has become rare commodity to find.  Everywhere you can see hatred, problems, lack of understanding and relationship with others is a big question. 

God created us to be in harmony with others.  You can get along with anyone with whom you want to get along! It’s possible to live peacefully because every person in your life you meet was predestined by God for a reason. Many times the other person has strengths that can support your weaknesses. Learn to work together with people that are different than you so that you can get more strength and fulfill God’s greater purposes.

Make it a point to understand and get to know the people around you. Find out what makes them happy or sad, find some common ground to stand on, and work at getting along. Do your best to live in Harmony with everyone that God has put in your life.

Jesus said ‘…if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men unto me’. (John 12: 32)

                  It was the beginning of a new order. We would no longer need a priest or a prophet to stand between us sinners and God, to tell us what God was saying to us. For God came down to be lifted up and nailed to an old wooden cross for the sin of the world. And there Jesus hung; lifted up from the earth, on a cross; His back torn up already; His hands and feet nailed into the wood, a public display and spectacle for all to see. – Selvin

Friendship that makes or breaks

Friend in need is friend indeed, they Work on Your Dream

The Bible says:

  • if you want friends you should be friendly (Proverbs 18:24)
  • friends provide helpful advice (Proverbs 27:9)
  • friends are valuable in a time of need (Proverbs 27:10)
  • true friends are faithful (Proverbs 17:17)
  • Friends provide helpful criticism (Proverbs 27:6).

“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Living in Harmony not only helps us in relationship but also in fulfilling God’s purpose.

Surround yourself with good people who constantly remind you of the dreams of God. Put yourself in relationships with people who are not only like-minded, but are also seeking to honour God in their own lives.

If your friends don’t point you toward God’s goal for you, then they’re not very good friends.  Be around dream-builders, not dream-crashers !

When you correct your relationship like this, you are not avoiding or cutting relationship but you are making or remaking room for growth so that you can reach God’s best in life.

Be around dream-builders, not dream-crashers!   Also, evaluate yourself as to how you behave with others.   Be a dream-builder and a great Friend too ! – Selvin

Be Rooted in God’s Word

Be Rooted in God’s Word

No one can be established through wickedness, but a righteous root cannot be moved” (Proverbs 12:3).

Have you ever feel tossed around by the storms of life?
Have you ever seen a tree in a heavy wind blow?

The winds and the rain blow the leaves from the branches, and sometimes the branches are fallen, or even the tree is up rooted. But the tree’s roots are protected and established deep in the ground will never be shaken.

The same is true in our lives.

If our thinking is not in line with the Word of God, we are affected during the difficult times. But when our thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts according to His Words, He plants a righteous root within us. We become firmly established. Our thinking becomes clear so we can be strong and overcome the storms in our life.

God wants you to be firm

  • He wants you to be steady.
  • He wants you to have an established life and character.
  • He wants your roots to grow deep in His Word.
  • He wants you to be righteous in Him.

 Ask the Lord today to show any areas of your thought life that might need to be firmly planted in God’s Word. As you grow deep relationship with the Lord you will grow deep spiritual roots and stand victoriously against the storms of life.

Be Rooted in God’s Word and be not uprooted. – Selvin