“Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope.
Even today I declare That I will restore double to you. “ Zechariah 9: 12
A small boy was very happy thinking about his approaching birthday. He was filled with thoughts of what dress he would wear that day, whom all he will meet, where all he will go, what gifts are awaiting him etc.
That day came. After finishing his morning prayer, he came out of his room and was delighted to see his father wishing him with a gift. He also placed a condition to open the gift after completing the family prayer session and having breakfast.
For the next one hour, the boy was filled with curiosity as to what gift is inside. But he waited and when he opened the gift wrapper, he was overwhelmed with joy. In the previous year, he was filled with sadness, when he lost a toy which was very close to his heart and one which he loved dearly. Now, his father had gifted him with a same new toy. On seeing it, the boy was thrilled and was very happy.
Our minds are also in a similar state, as we have just entered the new year of 2011, completing 2010. We are also filled with questions of how will this year 2011 be? What all are going to happen in 2011? In 2010, I have faced lots of troubles and losses will this change in the New Year? There could be a lot of challenges and questions in your minds regarding the New Year.
But, be of good cheer! God has promised the year of 2011 as a “Year of Restoration and Double Blessing “.
The promise from God for this year 2011 is ““Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope. Even today I declare That I will restore double to you. “ Zechariah 9 : 12
We find from the Bible, that Israelites, who were called the people of God and was counted as a blessed tribe of God, lost their blessings and was held in captivity, whenever they despised God and His leading, strayed from God and indulged themselves in things which were not pleasing God and when they decided to lean on their own thoughts and not on God.
In our life too, we can see that the above factors lead us to situations where we lose God’s blessings.
In Mat 11: 28, God says “ Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest “
When we return to the place of Stronghold or Safety ( to our God ), which is assured of peace and rest, we will be able to get back our blessings in double measure.
As per Ruth 2:12, Psalms 91 and Malachi 4:2, our Place of Safety is a place where there is no fear and is well-protected, filled with health, peace, joy and presence of God in abundance.
When we turn to this place of safety, we are assured of the restoration of our blessings in double measure.
Let us turn to our Lord and be blessed in 2011 ! May God bless you!
Return to the Lord to Receive double Portion