
The Real Easter Eggs – that Jesus likes

The Real Easter Eggs – that Jesus likes!

Easter is a great time to celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. But, there are certain facts which we need to think about.

Easter should not be thought as a time of celebration alone, as the real meaning of celebrating Easter, is to spread hope, joy and glad tidings, to the hopeless, needy and suffering. Easter does not end up at Church and celebration alone. We need to think how to get the good news to all and try to do celebrate this Easter differently. A few of the suggestions are given below.

1) Celebrate in Hospital :
Jesus Christ gave encouragement to Mary, after He resurrected. On the eve of Easter, let us visit Hospitals and try to encourage them and give them the hope that healing is from His stripes, as it is said in Isaiah 53:5. The sufferers can receive a new hope and way to look at their future.

2) Celebrate with the homeless :
Christ came to the world, from the bosom of His father and was born in a manger, as the world had no space to accommodate him. Easter is a time where we can go as teams, to visit the street-dwellers and show the love of God by presenting them with food, dress or other goodies, as deeds with faith is important.

3) Visit to Jails :
Christ came to liberate the human mankind from captivity and give them a blessed hope. We can organise a visit to the jails and juvenile homes, by taking prior permission from the concerned authorities and visit the inmates. We can spend time with them and share the good news of God’s forgiveness and assurance to get rid of the guilt feelings, which actually kills such persons.

4) Visit to Orphanages / Old-age Homes :
Jesus, even when he was nearing the days of crucification and on His way to Jerusalem, showed concern for the people, where he reached out to the blind Bartimaeus to heal him and give a new future. During the time of Easter, we can visit orphanages and old-age homes and share the love of God by skits, songs etc. And make them to look at life in a new perspective.

5) Roadshows :
To reach the community, roadshows can be organised. A group of people can be organised to go on cycling or walks around the city, with T-shirt messages / placards etc. ( eg. “Jesus is alive – so you can live”, “Jesus is risen to rise you up “, “Because He lives, I can face tomorrow” etc.) to share the good news of God’s salvation.

6) Reaching out to your neighbours :
The key teaching of Christ is that we have to love our neighbour as our own-self. This can be practised literally by calling people in our neighbourhood, for a lunch or dinner and share the love of Jesus, by sharing on what He did at the Cross. Showing a video, filmshow (like “Passion of Christ”, “Jesus of Nazareth” etc. ) or sharing your testimonies or calling somebody known to you to witness for God, could help you in sharing the love of God. If you have a celebrity-status person or person of influence who is in Christ, in your area, he or she can be invited to share about what God has done to them.

On the whole, we have to explore various opportunities, to share the love of Jesus Christ and what He has done for us. Easter is just another great opportunity for the same. We feel instead of celebrating Easter in a religious manner, it can be done in a useful manner, which will please God more than anything else.

God bless you!

Encounter – 2011 “Retrieve”

Encounter-2011- Is Young FishersTeam’s Annual Youth Camp.
This year’s Theme is “RETRIEVE”.
we are expecting arround 500 youth. we want you also to be part of it.
To Retrieve what you have lost…….and to Rediscover your future.
Come………. let us Celebrate

Trust God’s Wisdom


Trust God’s Wisdom

 “I am God — I only — and there is no other like me who can tell you what is going to happen. All I say will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.” (Isaiah 46:9-10)

Many people pray very seriously for things that never happen and even be depressed —then they realize later what a blessing it was that God did not answer their prayer! We can only see today, one day at a time, but God knows beyond, how today’s situations will impact us tomorrow, next week, or even ten years from now! So many people have told us, “I’m so thankful God didn’t answer my prayer. He knew what is best for me, now and for my future. When I look back I can see how all things have worked for my good.  Sometimes the best thing that can happen to us is the exact opposite of what we want to happen. God knows the past and the future, and He always has the control of every event in your life. As God said in Isaiah, everything He says will come to pass, so make sure that you’re following Him.

Nothing just happens for a believer but everything Happends for him,


Testimony- Discipleship Camp-2011

I was brought up in a good Christian discipline, but in my college life I forgot Jesus and started pleasing my bad friends. I was hooked up with several bad habits and I felt guilty, lost peace.
In this meeting I gave my life to the Lord, He gave me joy and peace not only that, he gave me assurance that I am His Disciple. Thanks YFT for the Discipleship Camp.

Message – Extraordinary people

Great Bible characters are not extraordinary people.

They lived most of their lives the same way you do, taking care of the daily routine but their Faith made them extraordinary. Take the life of Noah, for instance. One day, God intervened with Noah and asked him to build an ark which he and his people had never seen or heard before. God gave him the plan, programme and reason for doing so. Noah, as an ordinary man had never seen rain or flood before, but he put his trust in God and His words completely and built an ark which took 120 long years. Facing the ridicule of the people, he still built the ark and finally when the rain and flood came, all those who ridiculed him perished expect Noah and his family. We find that when God wanted to do something great through Noah, he yielded to Him completely.
What does God want to do through you? Being faithful today is another step towards His Best plan.
Ordinary but Faith and Obedience made him extraordinary.

Why Friendship ?

Proverbs 27:17 says, ” Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.” A real friend has a sanctifying influence on your life. He will make you a better person.
Ask yourself this question, “Am I a better person because of this friend?”
I am not with my friends two or three minutes before they have given me a new thought, blessing, or idea. Whether we are at my home, in an automobile, having dinner at a restaurant, or attending a convention – instantly my life is built up and my countenance is sharpened when I am with them. These people are adding to my life because they are a friend.
Why do we prize friendship? Why do we take the risk for friendship? Because a friend, a real friend, is something far beyond the worth of gold. A friend will make you a better person.


THE DEFINITION OF A FRIEND An English publication had a contest for the definition of a friend. Here are some that won honorable mention:
A friend is somebody who multiplies your joys and divides your griefs.
A friend is someone who believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.
A friend is someone who is there when you call and sometimes even before you call.
A friend is someone who understands your silence.
Now, let me tell you the one that won the prize: “A real friend is someone who comes in when the whole world has gone out.”
Proverbs 17:17 says, ” A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.” It doesn’t matter what you have done, a true friend is going to be there.

Examination Tips To Top-3

General Tips :

a)   Do not over-strain.   Ensure that you have enough and good food.

b)  Avoid all negative thoughts like I will not be able to secure good marks,   I cannot do it, It is difficult etc.   Replace them with Biblical promises like I can do all things in Him who strengthens me,   God is my helper, He will make me to be great and successful etc.

c)   Ensure you have a good sleep but not during your study hours.

d)  Avoid travelling too much in sun.  Ensure that good health is maintained.

e)   Ensure you do everything with prayer and seeking God’s guidance.

f)   Do not every try to use malpractices or unethical ways to face exam.

Remember, God is with you and you will be successful.   We assure our prayer support and encourage you to start working from now on and enjoy success!   If you want to interact with us, talk to us of any of your problems or need more prayer, please feel free to call me over phone or contact by e-mail.

God bless you!   All the very best!

Message- Triumph

“ Triumph –  to be a Testimony “

“ But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him  “ II Cor 2 : 14

“ Triumph “, “ Success”, “ Victory “ are words which bring joy to everyone.   Triumph is the one word we all long for and struggle to achieve it.   Have you ever seen a little child coming out of school with joy, on getting good marks?  Have you ever felt the joy of being in a graduation ceremony, after finishing college education?   From childhood, everyone likes success and wants to be successful.

Practically, we may have triumph in one thing and failure in another thing.  Our success and failure depends on many factors, situations etc.  But the key thing is trusting in God, who is a Victor and who has promised us victory.

Paul says that Jesus Christ gives us triumph in everything and at all times.  It is because of what He had done for us.  The Great God, who is the creator of Heaven and earth, took a manly form and gave Himself on the Cross, to make you and me to be victorious. 

We should not forget that “ Failures fail in a Believer’s life “. 

He conquered death and carried our infirmities, so that we can be triumphful always.  Jesus gives us triumphs so that we can be good testimonies to everyone.

Is there a struggle before you today ?  A temptation to face ?  A sin to deal with ? Doubts to face ?  

If so, cheer up!   God has assured us Victory.   Claim the promises of God, lean on Him and be victorious.   

                                              Be Triumphant by Jesus and be a Testimony for Jesus.

Examination Tips To TOP-2

Studying and Concentrating Tips :

 a)    Go by the study schedule you have prepared

b)   Never break schedules what you have prepared

c)    Have goals for each study session, eg. Number of questions to finish, problems to solve, chapters to read etc.   Review your progress during your rest time.

d)   Write down the things that distract you in between and you can allocate time to attend to these after your studies or during your breaks.

e)   Ensure that you have adequate breaks.   It could be a 3 minute rest for every 30 minutes.    Please be very strict on such rest times not getting extended.

f)    Take notes while studying.  Have a notebook and writing materials while studying.

g)   Ensure that everything required for study is available before you start.

h)   Wherever possible, ensure that you study in a place where there is no distraction.

i)     No TV, no mobile phones, no telephone, no internet surfing, no play during study hours.

j)    Use a good chair which offers straight support to your back.

k)   Ensure good lighting and air supply at the place of your study.

l)     Give rest to your eyes in between to avoid fatigue.   You can blink your eyes or briefly close your eyes during the break-times but don’t sleep off!

m)  Do self-recitation and try to recall what you have studied.

n)    Have short-cuts to memorize eg., VIBGYOR ( Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red ) for colours of Rainbow.   You can frame your own ideas for important points to be remembered.

O)    Try to relate things that you study for easy re-collection.

p)   Do not try to mug-up study material but try to understand and then study.  This will help you to get interested and easy to remember.

q)    When you feel you are getting very tense, relax and have a word of Prayer.   Take a short walk and come back to the study table.

General Tips  Tomorow   …
