
Music Classes at Coimbatore

We successfully completed music classes at YFT Office Coimbatore on Apr 22 To May 5th 2013. Keyboard Classes and Guitar classes were taken for 20 students.

The Music Teachers are
Lessly Paul & Martin
Stanes, conoor.

1. Abishek .U – Guitar
2. Alan .A – Keyboard – Keyboard
3. Bernard Calvin .I – Keyboard
4. Vishmaya .U – Keyboard
5. Catherine .P – Keyboard
6. Bersia .G – Keyboard
7. James .P – Keyboard
8. Sam Dilton .W – Keyboard
9. Ruben .C – Keyboard
10. Vivin – Keyboard
11. Aashidha – Keyboard
12. Regan – Keyboard
13. Prince – Keyboard
14. John Arnold .H – Guitar
15. Meshakh .H – Guitar
16. Hari .M – Guitar
17. Ashwin .S – Guitar
18. Asher .V – Guitar
19. Alwyn .A – Keyboard
20. Catherine Sheryl .P – Keyboard
21. John Bercia .G – Keyboard

YFT Congratulate all the students for participating our music classes and
wishes to grow further and use their talent in God’s ministry.

God Bless You.

Selvin & Rona

Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Young Fishers Team

We invite you for a celebration of 20th years of serving the Lord and reaching the youth & looking forward for greater things.




Its time to thank the Lord and our sponsors who are investing in the future of the youth.

We are welcome you all for the filled up of Songs,Worship,Skits,Message and a Special – Talk on “Parenting”


Place: CSI Christ Church, Trichy Road, Coimbatore


Date & Time : 24 November 2012 – at 6.30 pm


For more Details Contact : 98430 44288


* Join us for Dinner


20th year Anniversary

What we did for God – September October 2012

Dearly beloved in Christ,

Praise the Lord, Last 2 months God used us for his purpose wonderfully.
We thank God and I would like to share with you some important things.

During the month of September we had a teaching professionals get together at our new office. Nearly 15 professors & Teachers are participated. Prof.T.V. Christy from Karunya University Coimbatore,  shared the word of God and Prof.Jemima shared her testimony which was very impressive and useful. God use us with teachers and professors community to help the school and College students. Thank God. We plan to organize this teaching professionals get together at our Coimbatore office every two months once.

19th September 2012 – We had Mega one day retreat for youth at CSI Immanuel Church, Avanishi Road. Coimbatore with the theme of ” With God You Can”. Nearly 300 students are participated

14th October 2012 – At Tirupur we shared God’s word with around 80 students.
Their itself we are having a core team to perform Music and Choreography skits.

23rd & 24th October 2012 – Discipleship camp at YFT Office.
The core value of discipleship – Disipline of Prayer and Bible Studies.
Nearly 15 members are trainned with bible medidation and went with committment.
Pray for their commitments.

Every month we are conducting church youth fellowship at cheran managar,
Sirumugai, Gobi Chettipalayam CSI Church, Erode & Kankeyam CSI Churches.
Lot of church youths are participated and received the blessing of God.

We have a plan to conduct music and spoken english classes at YFT office Coimbatore.

We welcome you to join with our team as a sponsor and pray for God’s Youth Ministry.

Share your prayers, ideas and testimony with me at

Thank you,
God Bless You !
Bye from – Selvin 

Encounter 2012 Review

God blessed our annual camp Encounter 2012, conducted during July 13th to 15th 2012. We praise God for the wonderful things He did in the camp.

On the whole 300 youth participated, out of that 70% of them were non Christians and new comers, and around 140 committed their lives to Christ. The three days were wonderful and God fulfilled His plans.

Initially we had difficult times in organizing the entire camp, with many obstacles, but God led us in perfect control and blessed it. Such an event could not have happened, without your prayers and sacrificial giving.  We firmly appreciate your commitment and involvement in this camp. May God bless you for your participation i n touching and changing young lives. Continue to pray for the follow up work.

At YFT we are regularly pray for you and your family. We pray that God be with you, strengthen you, and lead you. He who called you is faithful and will ensure you are successful.

May God Bless You

“The LORD recompense thy work and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust” – Ruth 2:12

” God can …….. With God You Can……….”


Encounter 2012

We welcome you to

Encounter 2012 – Theme: “With God U Can”
Date: 13,14,15 July 2012
Place: Royal College, Coimbatore, INDIA


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for God’s presence.
  • Pray for Speakers Bro.Issac Sikha , Bro. Selvin Rajkumar and Mrs. Rona Selvin and that God should use them mighty.
  • Pray for participation of 400 youth and commitment of the youth.
  • Pray for songs, Skits, Choreography, Music, Games, Talent Hour, Camp-Fire and Video Show.
  • Pray for Messages, Counselling Hour,Practical Talk, Sandhiya Time Devotion Time, Discussion Time and Personal Prayer Time.
  • Pray for Mobilization and Co-ordination.
  • Pray for Electricity, Food arrangements, Campsite arrangements and Water Facilities.
  • Pray for Financial Needs of Rs.2,50,000/-
  • Pray for the involvement of YFT & YFF Members.
  • Pray for the oneness among the team members and pray for the availability of Team members.
  • Pray that God should give good Health and Strength to Co-ordinators, Leaders and Volunteers.
  • Pray that parents should encourage their youth children to participate in this Camp.
  • Pray that Elders from all Churches and Leaders at Colleges to work sincerely and extend their co-operation of Church Pastors.
  • Pray for the Travel Arrangements.
  • Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be on Selvin Anna and Rona Akka to Organize everything necessary