


Be tranformed by the renewing of your mind. Rom. 12:2

Young Fishers Team Welcomes you



on : 13th September 2014 [ Saturday]

From : 9: a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

at : CFSI Christ Church, Trichy Road,

Opp. to Govt. Hostpital, Coimbatore -18

Action Filled Songs, Thought Provoking Skit,  Mine, Choreography, Games, &  Messages, Practical talk…. etc

[ Lunch & Tea will be provided]


Come Let us Praise God.

YFT – Team

Encounter 2014


Theme : “Contrast”

Place : Royal Nursing college, Navakarrai, Coimbatore
Date : 11-13.
Programs : Songs, Skit, Mime, Choreography, Camp Fire, Games and lots and loads of fun awaiting for you.

  • *Buses available from “Hotel-Tamil Nadu” Gandhipuram to Camp Site
  • *400 and more youth gather at the same venue…
  • *Bring your Friends to enjoy the love of GOD
  • *Come be Blessed

Contact Number: 9443682462, 9843044288

Note: Kindly Share this post to your Friends So that they also would come to the camp.

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Hope you are praying for our YFT’s Annual Youth Camp – “ ENCOUNTER – 2014 ” .


We thank you for your prayers and are glad to share the developments in this regard.

By the grace of God, Preparation work for the Camp is progressing well.
Skits, Choreography, Song Practice are going on.

Mobilization of Students and Participants are taking place in full-swing.

In-fact, we are overjoyed to get updates from all around Coimbatore, where the participants are fixing up of separate private buses, to travel to the camp. They are mobilizing large number of youth with full bus capacity, to participate in the camp.


We thank God for the works He is doing and praise His name.

Please continue to pray for the Camp, so that lives of many youth be transformed, for the glory of God.

This year we are expecting 450 youth and Budget for this is Rs.2,75,000/-. Please find herewith our Bank Details, for your financial contribution, in partaking in the work of the Lord.

Account Name  :  Young Fishers Team

Bank Name: South Indian bank

Bank Account Number : 0111053000009163

IFSC code :  SIBL 0000111

We request you to motivate the youth in your area to participate in this camp, along with your financial support. We assure our prayers for you and your family.

We will be much encouraged if you would call or mail us on seeing this letter.

“You would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you”. Psalms 81:16

Selvin Rajkumar
Young Fishers Team (YFT)




  • Pray for God’s presence.
  • Pray for Speakers Mr. Isaac Sikha, Mr. Selvin Rajkumar and   Mrs. Rona Selvin and that God should use them mightily.
  • Pray for participation of 450 youth and their commitment.
  • Pray for Songs, Skits, Choreography, Music, Games, Talent Hour, Camp-fire and Video Show.
  • Pray for Messages, Counseling Hour, Practical Talk, Sandhiya Time, and Devotion Time, Discussion Time and Personal Prayer Time.
  • Pray for Mobilization and Co-ordination.
  • Pray for Electricity, Food, Water facilities and Campsite arrangements.
  • Pray for Financial Needs of RS. 2, 75,000/-
  • Pray for the involvement of YFT & YFF Members.
  • Pray for the oneness among the Team members and their availability.
  • Pray that God should give good Health and Strength to coordinators, Leaders and Volunteers.
  • Pray that parents should encourage their children to participate in this Camp. And their co-operation.
  • Pray for the Co-operation of Church Pastors.
  • Pray for the Travel Arrangements.
  • Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be on Selvin Anna and Rona Akka to organize everything necessary.




Yours in His service,

For today’s youth,

D. Selvin Rajkumar

Young Fishers Team (YFT)

Coimbatore  INDIA

Tribal ministry December 2013

Tribal ministry: on 22nd December 2013 we had Christmas celebrations at our tribal villages Sorandai and Sirukinaru. We shared the importance of the birth of Jesus and the joy of Christmas. Importance of Christmas is giving, we gave new dress to all the people in both the village and we had lunch ( biriyani ) together. Thanks to all well wishers and the sponsors who gave generously to make this Mission a great success.

Goundampalyam March 2014

Praise God for the wonderful ministry @ Goundampalyam CSI. Church More than 100 people participated in the evening conventions, most of them committed or re dedicated their life to the Lord. Sunday morning service the Lord encouraged the congregation and were blessed, followed by that we had special meeting for women’s fellowship Mrs. Rona Selvin shared the message with practical applications and we had youth fellowship the Lord challenged the youth to raise and shine for the Lord.


Events – April 2014



  • 4th & 5th  Apr 2014 -Connor Meetings

  • 6th Apr 2014 – Tirupur Retreat & Evening Meeting

  • 11,12 &13 Apr 2014 -Family Retreat & Convention @ Banthalore, Ooty

  • 14th Apr 2014 – One Day Retreat @ Udumelpet for Samakodanki’s

Events – March 2014



  • 02nd March 2014 – Chennai

  • 06th March 2014 – Goundampalayam Coimbatore, Fasting Prayer

  • 7, 8 & 9 March 2014 – Convention@ Goundampalyam CSI Church

  • 14,15 & 16 March 2014 – Gudalore Convention & Youth Retreat

  • 21, 22 & 23 March 2014 – Ganapathy CSI Church Convention

  • 28, 29 & 30th March 2014 –  Convention @ Tuticorin

Valentine Day Celbration 2014


Valentin day celebration for young couples was very good.

26 couples participated &were blessed.

Opening  prayer Rev.Ebenezer Mani,followed by that

Singing lead by Peter billymier & claribel,

Games gifts given to the winners,

Testimony by Edward&Lydia ,

Message by Selvin Rajkumar & RonaSelvin.

Concluded with very tasty dinner.

All went with good memory & memento.


YFT One Day Retreat at Palani on January 2014


 விடியலை நோக்கி

We welcome you

26th January 2014



 [Opposite to : Palani Government Hospital , Minibus Stop ] 

  • Choreography,
  • Mimimg,
  • Youth Songs,
  • Messages,
  • Practical Talk,
  • Counselling for students


Let us Join and Worship Lord Jesus Christ!