
Sivakasi 2017

Special one day youth retreat and preached in 2 worship Service at St. Peter church, Satchiyapuram, Sivakasi …. The Lord blessed the church congregation and in the youth retreat many youth accepted Jesus Christ s their personal savior and many committed their lives to serve the Lord for the kingdom extension.

Pray for Encounter 2016

Beloved In Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.We thank God for the great things, He is doing in you and in your family. We praise God for the wonderful things He is doing in our YFT ministry. It is all because of your prayers, support & encouragement.
Last year in our Annual Youth Camp  “Encounter-2015” 430students participated and the Lord did mighty things and the participants were much blessed.

He has given one more opportunity for us to involve and  

 “ENCOUNTER – 2016” Theme for this year’s camp “3D“. The camp is from July 08th to 10th   2016 @ Royal College, Navakkarai, Coimbatore.

This year we are expecting 450 youth and Budget for this is Rs.4, 00,000/-.

We are enclosing here with the Prayer Request and seek your prayer support. We also expect you to motivate the youth in your area to participate in this camp, along with your financial support.  Please find herewith our Bank Details, for your financial contribution, in
Partaking in the work of the Lord.

Account Name : Young Fishers Team
Bank Name: South Indian bank
Bank Account Number : 0111053000009163
IFSC code :  SIBL 0000111


We assure our prayers for you and your family.  We will be much encouraged if you would call or mail us on seeing this.

Gal 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.


Yours in His service,
For today’s youth,
Selvin Rajkumar

Young Fishers Team ( YFT )



  • Pray for God’s presence.
  • Pray for Speakers Dr. TV. Christy,Mr.D.Selvin Rajkumar and Mrs.Rona Selvin and that God should use them mightily.
  • Pray for participation of 450 youth and their commitment.
  • Pray for Songs, Skits, Choreography, Music, Games, Talent Hour, Camp-fire and Video Show.
  • Pray for Messages, Counseling Hour, Practical Talk,Sandhiya Time, and Devotion Time, Discussion Time and Personal Prayer Time.
  • Pray for Mobilization and Co-ordination.
  •  Pray for Electricity, Food, Water facilities and Campsite arrangements.
  • Pray for Financial Needs of RS. 4,00,000/=.
  • Pray for the involvement of YFT & YFF Members.
  • Pray for the oneness among the Team members and their availability.
  • Pray that God should give good Health and Strength to coordinators, Leaders and Volunteers.
  • Pray that parents should encourage their children to participate in this Camp. And their co-operation.
  • Pray for the Co-operation of Church Pastors.
  • Pray for the Travel Arrangements.
  • Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be on Selvin Anna and Rona Akka to organize everything necessary.



Home Builders Camp 2015


Young Family Fellowship

Home Builders Camp

Join Us With Family

On : 21.10.2015 @ 8.00 am
22.10.2015 @ 4.30 pm

At : Impact Bible College- Kovanoor Periyanayakanpalyam

Contact : 9843330529 / 9443682462
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