All posts by Selvin

Examination Tips To Top-3

General Tips :

a)   Do not over-strain.   Ensure that you have enough and good food.

b)  Avoid all negative thoughts like I will not be able to secure good marks,   I cannot do it, It is difficult etc.   Replace them with Biblical promises like I can do all things in Him who strengthens me,   God is my helper, He will make me to be great and successful etc.

c)   Ensure you have a good sleep but not during your study hours.

d)  Avoid travelling too much in sun.  Ensure that good health is maintained.

e)   Ensure you do everything with prayer and seeking God’s guidance.

f)   Do not every try to use malpractices or unethical ways to face exam.

Remember, God is with you and you will be successful.   We assure our prayer support and encourage you to start working from now on and enjoy success!   If you want to interact with us, talk to us of any of your problems or need more prayer, please feel free to call me over phone or contact by e-mail.

God bless you!   All the very best!

Message- Triumph

“ Triumph –  to be a Testimony “

“ But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him  “ II Cor 2 : 14

“ Triumph “, “ Success”, “ Victory “ are words which bring joy to everyone.   Triumph is the one word we all long for and struggle to achieve it.   Have you ever seen a little child coming out of school with joy, on getting good marks?  Have you ever felt the joy of being in a graduation ceremony, after finishing college education?   From childhood, everyone likes success and wants to be successful.

Practically, we may have triumph in one thing and failure in another thing.  Our success and failure depends on many factors, situations etc.  But the key thing is trusting in God, who is a Victor and who has promised us victory.

Paul says that Jesus Christ gives us triumph in everything and at all times.  It is because of what He had done for us.  The Great God, who is the creator of Heaven and earth, took a manly form and gave Himself on the Cross, to make you and me to be victorious. 

We should not forget that “ Failures fail in a Believer’s life “. 

He conquered death and carried our infirmities, so that we can be triumphful always.  Jesus gives us triumphs so that we can be good testimonies to everyone.

Is there a struggle before you today ?  A temptation to face ?  A sin to deal with ? Doubts to face ?  

If so, cheer up!   God has assured us Victory.   Claim the promises of God, lean on Him and be victorious.   

                                              Be Triumphant by Jesus and be a Testimony for Jesus.

Examination Tips To TOP-2

Studying and Concentrating Tips :

 a)    Go by the study schedule you have prepared

b)   Never break schedules what you have prepared

c)    Have goals for each study session, eg. Number of questions to finish, problems to solve, chapters to read etc.   Review your progress during your rest time.

d)   Write down the things that distract you in between and you can allocate time to attend to these after your studies or during your breaks.

e)   Ensure that you have adequate breaks.   It could be a 3 minute rest for every 30 minutes.    Please be very strict on such rest times not getting extended.

f)    Take notes while studying.  Have a notebook and writing materials while studying.

g)   Ensure that everything required for study is available before you start.

h)   Wherever possible, ensure that you study in a place where there is no distraction.

i)     No TV, no mobile phones, no telephone, no internet surfing, no play during study hours.

j)    Use a good chair which offers straight support to your back.

k)   Ensure good lighting and air supply at the place of your study.

l)     Give rest to your eyes in between to avoid fatigue.   You can blink your eyes or briefly close your eyes during the break-times but don’t sleep off!

m)  Do self-recitation and try to recall what you have studied.

n)    Have short-cuts to memorize eg., VIBGYOR ( Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red ) for colours of Rainbow.   You can frame your own ideas for important points to be remembered.

O)    Try to relate things that you study for easy re-collection.

p)   Do not try to mug-up study material but try to understand and then study.  This will help you to get interested and easy to remember.

q)    When you feel you are getting very tense, relax and have a word of Prayer.   Take a short walk and come back to the study table.

General Tips  Tomorow   …


Examination Tips To Top- 1

To do well in your exams, here are a few tips:

 Preparatory Tips :

a)    Prepare a schedule for each day of the week.   

b)   Have a time-table of subjects to be studied and adhere to it.

c)    Ensure that you have a same time of study, consistently.

d)   Have a time to relax and unwind,  but don’t stretch it for long

e)   Allocate more time to subjects which you feel difficult

f)    Seek advice and support, wherever needed.  But, ensure that study time with friends or groups do not result in loss of time.

g)   Everything else in life, like fun, games, friends, visits, internet etc. can wait till your exams.

h)   Above all, do pray for God’s guidance and wisdom, before you start any activity.

Studying and Concentrating Tips  Tomorrow


Examination Tips To Top

Hi my dear Student friends,

Well, this part of the year, your minds would be occupied with thoughts on Examination, Preparation, Tests, Questions, and Formula etc.   Many students even think why this month is coming and are nervous on even thinking about the approaching exams.   They consider the Examination is a big demon threatening them, along with his assistants in the form of Examiners, Teachers and even Parents.

But, we have good news……….   These fears cloud your mind only when you think that you are alone fighting this.  It’s actually not!

Our Lord Jesus Christ says “Do not fear.  For I am WITH YOU “.   He has promised that He will be with you and help you, to be successful.  Bible is full of promises, which assure that those who trust in God, will be successful.   So, be of good cheer.  You are destined to be successful.

May be you are in a situation that makes you totally insecure as either you have not invested your time in Study and wasted the precious time indulging yourself in  unwanted activities.   May be you feel nervous on seeing the expectations of your parents, teachers or may be you feel you lack knowledge and are completely unprepared to face the exams.

Again, there is good news for you too.   Jesus said He will give mercy to those who confess their sins (mistakes) and turn to good path.  He is the one who can restore things back to normal.    He will be with you and guide you to be successful.  He has promised that He will give knowledge and wisdom to the one who asks Him.

Now, you have to commit your ways to the Lord and start focusing on your studies in the available time now.   You have to realize that these Exams are going to be crucial for your future and you have to put your best, from now on.   Put off all distractions and focus only on your studies.    Remember, other things in life could wait but exams will not.   So, all the very best!

Praying For You.


Selvin annan

Young Fishers Team

New year Message

“Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope.
      Even today I declare That I will restore double to you. “   Zechariah 9: 12

A small boy was very happy thinking about his approaching birthday.   He was filled with thoughts of what dress he would wear that day, whom all he will meet, where all he will go, what gifts are awaiting him etc.

That day came.  After finishing his morning prayer, he came out of his room and was delighted to see his father wishing him with a gift.   He also placed a condition to open the gift after completing the family prayer session and having breakfast.  

For the next one hour, the boy was filled with curiosity as to what gift is inside.  But he waited and when he opened the gift wrapper, he was overwhelmed with joy.   In the previous year, he was filled with sadness, when he lost a toy which was very close to his heart and one which he loved dearly.   Now, his father had gifted him with a same new toy.   On seeing it, the boy was thrilled and was very happy.

Our minds are also in a similar state, as we have just entered the new year of 2011, completing 2010.  We are also filled with questions of how will this year 2011 be? What all are going to happen in 2011?  In 2010, I have faced lots of troubles and losses will this change in the New Year?   There could be a lot of challenges and questions in your minds regarding the New Year.

But, be of good cheer!  God has promised the year of 2011 as a “Year of Restoration and Double Blessing “.

The promise from God for this year 2011 is ““Return to the stronghold, You prisoners of hope.  Even today I declare That I will restore double to you. “   Zechariah 9 : 12

We find from the Bible, that Israelites, who were called the people of God and was counted as a blessed tribe of God, lost their blessings and was held in captivity, whenever they despised God and His leading, strayed from God and indulged themselves in things which were not pleasing God and when they decided to lean on their own thoughts and not on God.

In our life too, we can see that the above factors lead us to situations where we lose God’s blessings.

In Mat 11: 28,  God says “  Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest “

When we return to the place of Stronghold or Safety ( to our God ), which is assured of peace and rest, we will be able to get back our blessings in double measure.

As per Ruth 2:12, Psalms 91 and Malachi 4:2, our Place of Safety is a place where there is no fear and is well-protected, filled with health, peace, joy and presence of God in abundance.

When we turn to this place of safety, we are assured of the restoration of our blessings in double measure.

Let us turn to our Lord and be blessed in 2011 !  May God bless you!

 Return to the Lord to Receive double Portion

Legend Speaks

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:

(II Timothy – 4:7)

The above verse is apt for a great soul, who recently rested in the Lord.

Our beloved YFT Trustee, Mr.David Thiruthuvaraj who is also the father of our Founder Director, Mr.D Selvin Rajkumar, passed away on November 9, 2010.

We praise God for all His goodness showered upon him in his lifetime.   We also thank all our well-wishers who shared their condolences and grief with us.

Mr.David Thiruthuvaraj lived in this world for 75 years, before proceeding to be with the Lord for Eternity.    Born in a good family known for its values, Mr.David grew-up and joined the Police and had an illustrious career as he retired as the Deputy Commissioner of Police of Chennai.   He was identified as an outstanding policeman on duty, which is demonstrated by the fact that he was nominated for the Presidential Medal and was also a recipient of the Tamil Nadu State Police Medals.   He served in various capacities, across the state of Tamil Nadu, including the position of  Principal of Police Recruitment School ( PRS ) at Coimbatore before retiring as the DCP of Chennai.

As a family man, he was blessed with a great wife in Mrs.Kasthuri David, who rested in the Lord on November 27, 2009.   He is survived by 2 Sons and 2 Daughters and he took pride in the fact that all his children are serving the Lord, in various capacities and their next generation too being actively involved in the Service of the Lord.

Mr. David was very active for the Lord and was passionate about serving Him.   After committing his life fully to the Lord, during the later part of his Police career, he devoted considerable time for His work.   He has preached in various Churches and Meetings and with his deep knowledge of the Scriptures, encouraged many people in the Lord.   Also, he played an active role in supporting various Ministries and Churches, in their Apostolic and other Ministry works.

Having lived a full-life, he breathed his last on Nov 9, 2010 at Coimbatore which was a peaceful death, just after finishing his lunch.   His body was buried at Chennai and he still remains as a great soul, setting benchmarks to follow.

We thank our Lord Jesus Christ for his life and thank you all for your support during the period of our grief.

God bless you !

Tips for christmas celebration

Activities that will knit your family together through the Christmas season.

Here are some ideas, activities, and projects that are designed to knit the family together throughout the Christmas season. They range from simple activities to focused projects that require serious commitment. It might be helpful to have your family review the ideas together and choose the ones that they want to implement.

1. Have family members dress in biblical-type clothing and act out the Holy Night for family and friends. (Many young children will love being part of this.) Take photos and use one for next year’s Christmas card.

2. Identify an elderly or low-income person or couple who might not have family support during the Christmas season. Invite them to one of your family gatherings, offer to take them Christmas shopping, or invite them to attend a Christmas church service with your family. You might also take them food gifts over the course of the festive season.
3. As a family, bake, make, or buy a special gift for your pastor and his family.

4. Keep a Christmas journal expressing your thoughts about what happens throughout the season with your family and friends. Include your reaction to the news, sermons, Christmas programs, parties, and gifts, as well as your meditations about Jesus.

5. Before opening presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, read Scripture aloud together.

Dedicate the occasion to Jesus.

6. Consider the feelings of Mary and Joseph. For older children, read Matthew 1:18-25 and then discuss:

*How could Mary, a virgin, have felt when she discovered that she was pregnant?

*How could Joseph have felt when he learned of Mary’s pregnancy?

*Why did both Joseph and Mary have the courage to believe God and undoubtedly suffer ridicule from man?

*Who do they (and you) turn to when life is not what they anticipated?

*Why can we always trust God even when His ways are different from ours?

7. After the New Year, officially close the Christmas season by having the whole family dismantle your decorations. Give thanks, as individuals and as a family, for the gift of Christ and your time together as a family. This ritual will teach your children to treasure carefully preserved family Christmas traditions.


Christmas Message 3

Series 2

In continuation to our Series 1, which you can find in our Archives, we continue our meditation on the Christmas message :

As we celebrate Christmas and meditate on the greatness of God,  we are also reminded of an important event which happened during the birth of Jesus Christ.    When Christ was born in a lowly manger, we find that 3 wise men, took a long journey from the other end of the earth, to visit and worship Jesus.

God has kept a few important lessons for our life, through their visit to Bethlehem.   We saw in the earlier series of  the lesson of Seeking God and now let us turn to the next lesson :

1)     Worshiping God

The 3 wise men who traveled from far, not only sought Jesus but came and worshipped Jesus Christ.    We find that the objective of their visit was to see the God child and worship Him.

From the Bible, we understand that they are learned men and should have commanded a great stature in the society.   But we find that they had the understanding and maturity, to know who they were, before the Almighty God and their Creator.   They fell down, in abject surrender and respect, before the Child and worshipped Him.    They knew the greatness of God and the importance of worshipping Him.

The Bible says that God has created mankind for Him and we have to declare His praises.   Worship is an act of showing our love for God.  It is an act of adoring God for who He is.   Just as we share words of love and affection, between our loved-ones, which expresses our love for them, we should express our love for our God by our praises and worship.    We have to make it a habit, of praising and worshipping Him daily in our Morning Prayer time and continue to praise Him, during the day, whenever we can.

We also find another lesson from the 3 wise men.   It is written that they offered precious and valuable gifts to the Child.   They gave to God, what was considered best and valuable with them.    As children of God, we too should give to God, the best in us and with us.     We should give the best of our time, praise, talents, wealth and actions for His service.    Again, we find that, we always try to get the best for our spouse or kids, because we love them so much and it is another expression of our love.   We never try to give sub-standard things but the best to them.  Similarly, with God too, we should give the best of us, to His service.

Worshipping God and giving to God are two essential things in our life and this is a key to our wellbeing.

Let us practice it and receive God’s blessings.

May God bless you and Happy Christmas !