All posts by Selvin

YFT – Celebrating 23rd Anniversary




Great is His faithfulness, dear all its a big day and a year for Young Fishers Team as we are entering into 24 years of ministry.

His mighty presence and power brought us thus far. When we look back our heart fills with joy and eyes fills with tears thinking of the wondrous things that God has done.. We faced lot of up and downs tears, trails & triumph, He who called us and gave the vision has led us so beautifully.

Through all these years God has helped us to build the Kingdom of God by reaching out young people to evangelise, rebuild broken lives and families, raise leaders and missionaries.

We are thankful to God for you (YFT family), each one of you have involved and contributed to the ministry by supporting us through prayers and financially which has helped us to transform lives and win souls.

Kindly continue to involve and support us in the ministry through prayers and with your valuable contribution of resources and talents so that together we can do great things for God in the coming years.



Insecurity takes away the joy of life in relationships..

Those who are insecure,
often seek the approval & acceptance of others to
overcome feelings of rejection & low self-esteem..

When we struggle with insecurity,
only one thing sets us free … in

That’s God’s truth :

• I am loved by God
• I am accepted & approved by God.
• I am secured,
• I am worthy & valuable ..

‎You know all this so that you may have peace in me…”(John 16:33)

Be Accepted ….Be Happy!

Encounter 2014 Updates

Dear Partners in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

With great thanks to our God in our heart for what He has done last week, we wish to update yourself of the excitement in our YFT’s Annual Youth Camp – “ Encounter 2014 “.

Our Lord did wonderful things and many lives were transformed. On the whole, more than 350 youth participated in the Annual youth camp and exciting g testimonies were seen.

God used Bro. Isaac Sikha, myself and Rona mightily. Also, we had a session by Dr. Christina Augustine, a psychologist from Chennai. The youth who attended were touched by the love of God and committed their lives to our Lord Jesus. There were also youth, who re-committed their lives to Jesus Christ and are ready to serve Him.

The testimonies were very powerful and we praise God for what He did. To highlight a few testimonies – A college boy testified that he had problems with his parents and had decided to commit suicide. At that juncture, he was invited for the camp by his friend and he deferred his decision to end his life, after attending the camp. But, the Lord touched him and he declared that he will not commit suicide and will apologise to his parents for all the wrong doings.

Another testimony was of a youth, who got dismissed from college due to certain problems and attended our last youth camp, just to spend 2 days there. His life was transformed by God and he is now doing a course in a Bible college and had brought 53 youth from his place to our camp this year.

A young girl testified that after the camp, her life is changed and that she will be respecting and obeying her parents, from now on. Another youth testified of getting off from sins and committing to live a holy life.

While these were said by them on the stage, there are interesting written feedbacks of so many lives that got transformed by His touch.
We thank you for your prayers, financial support and participation. We urge you to pray for these souls who have committed their lives after their Encounter with God, so that they continue to live holy to fulfil His purpose.

May God bless the works of your hands and your family, as you have partnered in His work.

Requesting you to continue to uphold us in your prayers,

In His Service
For Today’s youth,

D Selvin Rajkumar

Encounter 2014


Theme : “Contrast”

Place : Royal Nursing college, Navakarrai, Coimbatore
Date : 11-13.
Programs : Songs, Skit, Mime, Choreography, Camp Fire, Games and lots and loads of fun awaiting for you.

  • *Buses available from “Hotel-Tamil Nadu” Gandhipuram to Camp Site
  • *400 and more youth gather at the same venue…
  • *Bring your Friends to enjoy the love of GOD
  • *Come be Blessed

Contact Number: 9443682462, 9843044288

Note: Kindly Share this post to your Friends So that they also would come to the camp.

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Hope you are praying for our YFT’s Annual Youth Camp – “ ENCOUNTER – 2014 ” .


We thank you for your prayers and are glad to share the developments in this regard.

By the grace of God, Preparation work for the Camp is progressing well.
Skits, Choreography, Song Practice are going on.

Mobilization of Students and Participants are taking place in full-swing.

In-fact, we are overjoyed to get updates from all around Coimbatore, where the participants are fixing up of separate private buses, to travel to the camp. They are mobilizing large number of youth with full bus capacity, to participate in the camp.


We thank God for the works He is doing and praise His name.

Please continue to pray for the Camp, so that lives of many youth be transformed, for the glory of God.

This year we are expecting 450 youth and Budget for this is Rs.2,75,000/-. Please find herewith our Bank Details, for your financial contribution, in partaking in the work of the Lord.

Account Name  :  Young Fishers Team

Bank Name: South Indian bank

Bank Account Number : 0111053000009163

IFSC code :  SIBL 0000111

We request you to motivate the youth in your area to participate in this camp, along with your financial support. We assure our prayers for you and your family.

We will be much encouraged if you would call or mail us on seeing this letter.

“You would be fed with the finest of wheat; with honey from the rock I would satisfy you”. Psalms 81:16

Selvin Rajkumar
Young Fishers Team (YFT)




  • Pray for God’s presence.
  • Pray for Speakers Mr. Isaac Sikha, Mr. Selvin Rajkumar and   Mrs. Rona Selvin and that God should use them mightily.
  • Pray for participation of 450 youth and their commitment.
  • Pray for Songs, Skits, Choreography, Music, Games, Talent Hour, Camp-fire and Video Show.
  • Pray for Messages, Counseling Hour, Practical Talk, Sandhiya Time, and Devotion Time, Discussion Time and Personal Prayer Time.
  • Pray for Mobilization and Co-ordination.
  • Pray for Electricity, Food, Water facilities and Campsite arrangements.
  • Pray for Financial Needs of RS. 2, 75,000/-
  • Pray for the involvement of YFT & YFF Members.
  • Pray for the oneness among the Team members and their availability.
  • Pray that God should give good Health and Strength to coordinators, Leaders and Volunteers.
  • Pray that parents should encourage their children to participate in this Camp. And their co-operation.
  • Pray for the Co-operation of Church Pastors.
  • Pray for the Travel Arrangements.
  • Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit to be on Selvin Anna and Rona Akka to organize everything necessary.




Yours in His service,

For today’s youth,

D. Selvin Rajkumar

Young Fishers Team (YFT)

Coimbatore  INDIA

Message-2 for March 2014


“And there came a leper to him, beseeching him, and kneeling down to him, and saying unto him, If you will, you can make me clean.” Mark 1:40

The scene is that of a leper who is desperate and desired to be healed. Jesus was also equally willing to heal him completely. The leper here told Jesus that if it was His will, to make him clean.

If we are the kind of people who are praying with selfish motives and wrong desires, it is time we change our pattern of prayer. We need to learn to pray for God’s will over our lives. Such kind of prayer will move God to act in our lives. Keep selfishness and greed far away from your life and submit to God’s perfect will and pray for His will to happen in your life no matter what. God is pleased with that kind of prayer and whatever is acceptable and approving to Him will be permitted and fulfilled in our lives. Jesus was touched with the humility and submission of the leper to God’s will over his life that He touched him who was actually an untouchable and made him whole.

God is willing to touch the area of your life which has been long untouched if you allow access to God in that area. Let us be humble and ask for God’s will over our lives whether we like it or no. God’s plans are just perfect for us. Mary, the mother of Jesus, submitted her life totally in the hands of God and allowed God to intervene in her life and for God’s will to be done in her life and to use her womb for the birth of the Messiah. God wants that willingness and submission for His will over our lives today. Let us be submissive to God’s ways.

Message for March 2014

“The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” (Isaiah 60:3)

People always see your outward appearance, your outfit you wear, the hair style you have, the perfume you use etc. but

When God changes your life and starts to dwell in you, then He makes a change in us, people will notice something different about you. The inward change will be seen outside.  In other words, if they notice something different in you, it is because they see the evidence of God’s glory on your life.

People around you may have told you that you stand out from the rest, indeed this is because of Christ Jesus in you. You may be like Joseph, a slave left alone and forgotten in a jail. Yet, the king at that time required Joseph to have him interpret his dreams. In other words, God will give to you wisdom and answers that the people of the world do not have.

No matter what background you come from, maybe you do not have the ability and wisdom to do anything but it doesn’t matter, because God looks at your heart and not at your education or wealth. The changed life style will pull kings towards you.

   You were made wonderfully and created for a purpose.

Tribal ministry December 2013

Tribal ministry: on 22nd December 2013 we had Christmas celebrations at our tribal villages Sorandai and Sirukinaru. We shared the importance of the birth of Jesus and the joy of Christmas. Importance of Christmas is giving, we gave new dress to all the people in both the village and we had lunch ( biriyani ) together. Thanks to all well wishers and the sponsors who gave generously to make this Mission a great success.

Goundampalyam March 2014

Praise God for the wonderful ministry @ Goundampalyam CSI. Church More than 100 people participated in the evening conventions, most of them committed or re dedicated their life to the Lord. Sunday morning service the Lord encouraged the congregation and were blessed, followed by that we had special meeting for women’s fellowship Mrs. Rona Selvin shared the message with practical applications and we had youth fellowship the Lord challenged the youth to raise and shine for the Lord.


Events – April 2014



  • 4th & 5th  Apr 2014 -Connor Meetings

  • 6th Apr 2014 – Tirupur Retreat & Evening Meeting

  • 11,12 &13 Apr 2014 -Family Retreat & Convention @ Banthalore, Ooty

  • 14th Apr 2014 – One Day Retreat @ Udumelpet for Samakodanki’s

Events – March 2014



  • 02nd March 2014 – Chennai

  • 06th March 2014 – Goundampalayam Coimbatore, Fasting Prayer

  • 7, 8 & 9 March 2014 – Convention@ Goundampalyam CSI Church

  • 14,15 & 16 March 2014 – Gudalore Convention & Youth Retreat

  • 21, 22 & 23 March 2014 – Ganapathy CSI Church Convention

  • 28, 29 & 30th March 2014 –  Convention @ Tuticorin