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YFT Christmas 2014

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Jesus is the Reason for this Season” this year Christmas get together went on really good.

Around 250 Sponsors and well wishers participated.

The amazing presence of God was there from the beginning till the end.

Our Christ Church associate presbyter Rev. Jerry Manuel started the program .with opening prayer.

Our YFT choir sang beautiful Christmas Carols….

Big team of good musicians Billy, Jeykaumar, Sam, Jason & Jerry synchronized the music and led the choir.

Young Fisher Team introduction and annual report for 2014 was read by Mr. Thangaraj….

Entire crowd and our hearts filled with praise and eyes filled with tears of joy for what God had done in 2014….

YFT boys performed a skit .

Mr. Selvin Rajkumar shared the God’s message about responsibility of every believer to be missionaries in the places

where they are to share the love of God and Live life of God. final prayer by Mr Solomon.

Program ended with Santa and Good Chicken briyani was served and we had good fellowship.


Verse for Month December 2014

Psa 68:28 – “Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God, as you have done before”.


  • Call unto the Lord to reveal his power…..
  • He will do it as He has done before.
  • Enjoy the power filled presence and strength of God.
  • Immanuel God is with us.

Selvin & Rona Young Fishers Team


Pray for

1. 6th Dec Palani Oneday Retreat.
2. 7th Student X-mas Program and Preparation.
3. 13th Sponsors X-mas Program.
4. 20th A thi Kadavu X-mas Program.
5. 29th-30th Year Ending Prayer.
6. Various Program and different Colleges.
7. Dec 1st-21th Carol round pray that student Participation Preparation and all the        Program should be Blessing to Every on