Today's Promise

He will be like a tree planted by the waters - Jere 17:8

About YFT

Young Fishers Team ( YFT ) is an interdenominational indigenous movement consisting of dedicated Christians those who have zeal and burden to change the students in the campuses and youth in the society to impact our country and the World. By the immense grace of God and according to His will, YFT was started in October 1992 with the aim to fulfil the Great Commission through spiritual multiplication.

Constitution : YFT is a Registered Trust under Indian Trusts Act, 1881

Mission Vision : Fishing Young people for The Lord and making them fishers of men.

Mission Strategy : Fishing – Mending – Sending

  • Fishing the maximum number of students and youth to the loving fold of Christ
  • Mending them with Christian principles
  • Sending them by giving training in fishing the souls for the Lord

Areas of Ministry :  Schools, Colleges, Hostels, Churches, Villages and Tribal Hamlets.

Method of Ministry :

Fishing :
Personal Evangelism, Youth Camps, Music Concerts, Evening Gospel Meetings One-Day Retreats, Tract Distribution, Video Shows

Mending :
Follow-up activities, Prayer Cells, All-night Prayers, Bible Study Groups, Fasting Prayers


At the beginning of every year all our team members sit at the Lord’s feet and work on our annual programs. We fix up the whole year’s calendar. By the grace of God we have adhered God we have adhered adhered

Given below are some of the regular activities of YFT.

Regular Meetings :  First Sunday evening of every month we meet at CSI Girls Higher Secondary School, CSI Immanuel Church Campus, Avinashi Road. at 4pm for a time of sharing and fellowship.

Annual Youth Camp :  ‘ Encounter ‘ – is conducted every year in the month of July. We minister to more than 600 youth from 11 different towns. The camp is for 3 days for which we invite guest speakers from various places.

One-Day Retreats :   Quarterly.

Annual YFF Family Camp – September for 3 Days

Evangelistic Camps- Regular basis
Discipleship Programme for 3 Days
Fishers Training Programme (FTP) Evanglism training
Mass Evangelism, Cycle Rally, Tracts Distribution ( During Vacation )

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