Today's Promise

They shall invoke My name, I then will bless them - Num 6:27

Worthless in the sight of men But worth full in Gods sight

Worthless in the sight of men But worth full in Gods sight.
Duet 33: 12

This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death.
For Benjamin he said, “Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure for he shields him all day long and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders”. Who is Benjamin? Let’s look into Gen 30: 22 to 24. Benjamin was expected by his mother long before his birth! His mother Rachel gave birth to Joseph after a long period of jealousy, hurt, anger, pain and prayers. Rachel desired one more son. “May the Lord add to me another son” (v.24) little did she know that the expected son would be the reason for her death.

In Gen 35: 16 to 18, the Bible tells us that Rachel was pregnant for the second time during the difficult time of travelling. She also had a great difficulty in child birth and the mid wife comforted her saying , “ don’t be afraid for you have another son”. Rachel’s wish was fulfilled but she could not enjoy the presence of the newborn for she was dying. In her last breath she named him, “Ben-oni meaning son of my trouble”. But Jacob immediately named him “Benjamin- son of my right hand”

So the motherless child has a new name and why was he named like that? Perhaps his old father would have placed his right hand on his new son’s shoulder to lean and walk?! So what does God tell Benjamin and his tribe? The last of Jacob’s sons is not the least in God’s sight. The same applies to you and me, no one is little, small and worthless in the sight of God. Though Benjamin had a sad past, how does God look at him and bless him?

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