Today's Promise

I will counsel you with My eye upon you - Ps 32:8

Message – Extraordinary people

Great Bible characters are not extraordinary people.

They lived most of their lives the same way you do, taking care of the daily routine but their Faith made them extraordinary. Take the life of Noah, for instance. One day, God intervened with Noah and asked him to build an ark which he and his people had never seen or heard before. God gave him the plan, programme and reason for doing so. Noah, as an ordinary man had never seen rain or flood before, but he put his trust in God and His words completely and built an ark which took 120 long years. Facing the ridicule of the people, he still built the ark and finally when the rain and flood came, all those who ridiculed him perished expect Noah and his family. We find that when God wanted to do something great through Noah, he yielded to Him completely.
What does God want to do through you? Being faithful today is another step towards His Best plan.
Ordinary but Faith and Obedience made him extraordinary.

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