Today's Promise

For I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes. - Jere 31:25



Happy and blessed December … May the Lord fill your heart and home the joy of Christmas… 


In the birth of our Saviour, we can note repetition of the phrase “FEAR NOT..”. 


ANGEL TO MARY – when she faced super natural challenges


 ANGEL TO JOSEPH – when he faced humiliating decision


ANGEL TO SHEPHERDS – when they faced forsaken situations 


… In all the Challenges, Decisions and Situations, one thing was common that is JESUS CHRIST…


Christ is the answer for everything.


 This month promise also reminds us to FEAR NOT 

because God remembers to do good again…

 (Zechariah 8:-15) again have I thought in these days to do well unto Jerusalem and to the house of Judah: fear ye not.


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