Today's Promise

They shall invoke My name, I then will bless them - Num 6:27

Can I………. How

Not good-looking? No good at singing? Can’t play an instrument? No good at studies? An absolute good for nothing?

Haven’t all of us, at some juncture in our lives felt the same way! We might feel that we are insignificant – without a good personality, talents qualification etc. But our God is a great God who can accomplish significant things through insignificant people. The evidence for this is found throughout the Bible. We see it in the life of Noah, Moses, David and Nehemiah. Even an ordinary fisherman like Peter became a fisher of men. How can an ordinary person perform extraordinary things? A study of the life of Nehemiah will help us understand the mystery behind it.

In Nehemiah Chapter 1, verses 1-4, we learn that Nehemiah understood how the Lord felt when the walls of His beloved city Jerusalem were broken down, the gates were burnt and destroyed and the city lost its protection. Nehemiah’s heart was moved with compassion. His heart was broken. In other words, he had the same concern as that of God. Nehemiah was filled with zeal to achieve great things for God and he had the heart of God which helped him to achieve great things.


Do we have the concern of God?. How to imbibe that concern of God in our lives?

1. Knowing God personally: We should have a personal encounter with God. We should have the heavenly vision of God like the prophet Isaiah.

2. Know people thoroughly: To know people, we should learn to listen to what others say. Many achievers start with their mouth (talking). But Nehemiah started with his ears (hearing). Everyday we hear of so many incidences in this world like suicide, murder, drug abuse, broken families, immorality, AIDS etc. Do we have the burden?

If you want to be an accomplisher, you should have the heart and concern of God.


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