Great is His faithfulness, dear all its a big day and a year for Young Fishers Team as we are entering into 24 years of ministry.
His mighty presence and power brought us thus far. When we look back our heart fills with joy and eyes fills with tears thinking of the wondrous things that God has done.. We faced lot of up and downs tears, trails & triumph, He who called us and gave the vision has led us so beautifully.
Through all these years God has helped us to build the Kingdom of God by reaching out young people to evangelise, rebuild broken lives and families, raise leaders and missionaries.
We are thankful to God for you (YFT family), each one of you have involved and contributed to the ministry by supporting us through prayers and financially which has helped us to transform lives and win souls.
Kindly continue to involve and support us in the ministry through prayers and with your valuable contribution of resources and talents so that together we can do great things for God in the coming years.