Today's Promise

They shall invoke My name, I then will bless them - Num 6:27

Encounter 2014 Updates

Dear Partners in Christ,

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

With great thanks to our God in our heart for what He has done last week, we wish to update yourself of the excitement in our YFT’s Annual Youth Camp – “ Encounter 2014 “.

Our Lord did wonderful things and many lives were transformed. On the whole, more than 350 youth participated in the Annual youth camp and exciting g testimonies were seen.

God used Bro. Isaac Sikha, myself and Rona mightily. Also, we had a session by Dr. Christina Augustine, a psychologist from Chennai. The youth who attended were touched by the love of God and committed their lives to our Lord Jesus. There were also youth, who re-committed their lives to Jesus Christ and are ready to serve Him.

The testimonies were very powerful and we praise God for what He did. To highlight a few testimonies – A college boy testified that he had problems with his parents and had decided to commit suicide. At that juncture, he was invited for the camp by his friend and he deferred his decision to end his life, after attending the camp. But, the Lord touched him and he declared that he will not commit suicide and will apologise to his parents for all the wrong doings.

Another testimony was of a youth, who got dismissed from college due to certain problems and attended our last youth camp, just to spend 2 days there. His life was transformed by God and he is now doing a course in a Bible college and had brought 53 youth from his place to our camp this year.

A young girl testified that after the camp, her life is changed and that she will be respecting and obeying her parents, from now on. Another youth testified of getting off from sins and committing to live a holy life.

While these were said by them on the stage, there are interesting written feedbacks of so many lives that got transformed by His touch.
We thank you for your prayers, financial support and participation. We urge you to pray for these souls who have committed their lives after their Encounter with God, so that they continue to live holy to fulfil His purpose.

May God bless the works of your hands and your family, as you have partnered in His work.

Requesting you to continue to uphold us in your prayers,

In His Service
For Today’s youth,

D Selvin Rajkumar

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